Month: December 2008
2L architecture: no people here, just capitalists.
‘No unions, no building codes, no gravity’. Thus spake an architect about why they preferred designing virtual buildings to real ones. It was part of part of an interview about...
One day later
Now that life has been rather stable for a while—we’ve been living in the same house for four years, Eleanor’s in school, and we haven’t had to negotiate burning barricades...
The ant jātaka
Once the Buddha was born as an ant. Unlike the other ants he was a rich copper colour, with strong legs and sensitive antennae. It was late spring, and he...
Were they eaten or did they cook?
Wonderful, wonderful evidence of the antiquity of human-bat inter-relations in an Australian Aboriginal Bradhsaw painting from at least 17.5Kbp. It doesn’t really matter whether they were eaten to extinction in...
Sleep and play.
Parent (wilting somewhat): ‘Aren’t you tired?’ Child (leaping around room): ‘No! I can sleep and play at the same time. Do you know why? Because I play in my dreams!’