Author: wbtd

Scholar and activist, working on anthropology, ecology and Buddhism. Long-term research in ethnobiology of Asian mountain communities and culturally signficant landscapes (e.g. sacred sites, protected areas) and anthropogenic bidoversity (biocultural diversity). Visiting fellow at University of Hamburg.
  • The yam question

    My thanks to those brave few people who actually answered the yam survey. (For those who had no idea there was such a thing, please consult and answer the...

  • silhouettes

    8:30 AM, January in Aberdeen: the brightest stars are still clearly visible, the eastern sky red and black with long strings of clouds torn to tatters from their long journey...

  • Summer in Aberdeen.

    Our garden has achieved a near-perfect balance between weeds and cultivation. Bhawana and Śraddhā Jyoti brought in two big tubs of fresh strawberries yesterday evening. The apple trees have got...

  • July foggy dawn, NW England.

    On the train from Aberdeen to Oxford this morning, in seated accomodation as they call it. Better than a coach, and I’m tall enough so that the beds (which cost...

  • Submarine or Banyan?

    Like most folks, I suppose, I’ve been alternately amazed and horrified at the way in which the rapid present-day connections that emerge from tools like Linked In and Facebook may...