Category: Uncategorized
Sleep and play.
Parent (wilting somewhat): ‘Aren’t you tired?’ Child (leaping around room): ‘No! I can sleep and play at the same time. Do you know why? Because I play in my dreams!’
Broad writing
Here’s a piece in Seed Magzine that sweeps across lots of developments in the field, including Maffi, Holling, the Barcelona conference and a raft of other topics.
The world’s fastest bike ride: 132 kilometres/hour. Wow. A pity Wired classified the article under ‘cars’.
Belches, fatuous claims and meat.
I don’t usually object to the Beeb; its reporting is carefully checked and succeds in offending almost everyone equally. The claim, however, in Costing the Earth on 8 May that...
Ancient lunch
I just discovered this article on the foraging habits of early humans at Niah Cave in Sarawak. Modern humans there eat bats and even use them for wedding feasts –...