Tag: children
Sleep and play.
Parent (wilting somewhat): ‘Aren’t you tired?’ Child (leaping around room): ‘No! I can sleep and play at the same time. Do you know why? Because I play in my dreams!’
Another bairnling
‘That one is actually a night-time jumper, because those flowers there are actually stars.’ Makes sense to me.
Last week, Sunday 24 August, we had a gang of bairns round to test out the new trampoline. About mid-day on a hot day the shout went up: flying ants....
From Ray, my son: ‘Was pinball the game where you launched a ball and then you had to edit everything really fast so that the ball reached its destination?’
Acquainted things have happened
Well, I’ve hauled the bedraggled blog from Blogger to WordPress. Why, exactly, is not quite clear to me; one of those fretful decisions arrived at through an accumulation of tiny...